Tid och plats
Fredag 2 december 2016, 08:00–10:15
SNS, Jakobsbergsgatan 18, Stockholm
Welcome to a discussion with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on 2 December. Two reports will be presented: IMF:s annual review of Sweden’s economic policies and the so called Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) which is produced every fifth years.
Craig Beaumont, Mission chief for Sweden at IMF, will present the reports and economists from various fields will discuss the findings at a seminar with the Finance Panel.
The Finance Panel is a meeting forum for the financial sector, hosted by SNS and the Swedish House of Finance.
Craig Beaumont, Mission chief for Sweden, IMF
Anna Breman, Chief Economist at Swedbank
Peter Englund, Professor department of Finance at Stockholm School of Economics
Hans Lindberg, CEO Swedish Bankers
Jesper Rangvid, Professor of Finance, Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
Erik Thedéen, Director General, Finansinspektionen (FI)
The meeting is held in English and is moderated by Pehr Wissén, Ph.D. economics, senior adviser, Swedish House of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics.
Registration and fee
The number of seats is limited. The meeting is open to SNS members* and the press. The fee is SEK 995 + VAT. An invoice will be sent after the meeting. Please find the registration form below. Cancellations after November 30 or absents will be charged.
* List of SNS members/Information about membership