IIES/SNS International Policy Talks: Ekaterina Zhuravskaya on the effects of fake news and social media on politics

time and place

Monday 4 November 2019, 15:30–16:45
SNS, Jakobsbergsgatan 18, Stockholm

How is government approval affected by an increased use of the internet and social media? What is the role of alternative facts in political campaigning? And is it easier for populist parties to gain support in this new setting? One of the world’s most prominent researchers within this field visits SNS to talk about the interplay between politics, social media and fake news.

As an increasingly large share of the population uses social media and other non-traditional media sources to consume news, the importance of carefully evaluating the reliability of a piece of information grows. A common understanding of what is true and what is not is a prerequisite for a constructive democratic conversation. But what happens when this fundamental building block of the democratic system is dismantled?

The award-winning researcher Ekaterina Zhuravskaya belongs to the two percent most cited authors in the world over the last ten years. In her research, she has studied how the internet affects confidence in governments and support for populist parties. She has also studied how alternative facts affect voters’ factual knowledge as well as their voting decisions, a study that was conducted in connection to the 2017 French presidential election campaign.

Anders Sundell, senior lecturer at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, and Alice Petrén, migration correspondent, Swedish Radio, also participate at the seminar.

IIES/SNS International Policy Talks is a collaboration between the Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES) at Stockholm University and SNS with the mission to bring insights from leading international economists to the Swedish policy debate.


Alice Petrén, migration correspondent, Swedish Radio
Anders Sundell, senior lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, professor of economics, Paris School of Economics

The seminar is moderated by Gustav Peldán Carlsson, project manager, SNS.

Registration and fee

The number of seats is limited. The seminar is open to everyone and free of charge for SNS members *. The fee for non-members is SEK 395 + VAT.  An invoice will be sent after the seminar. Cancellation after 31 October or no-show you will be charged.

*List of SNS members/Information about membership

Warmly welcome!