Spillover effects of stricter immigration policies

When Denmark made its rules on family reunification stricter in 2002, this resulted in more people moving to Sweden. This shows how the migration policy of one EU state may affect other member states, according to economists Cristina Bratu, Matz Dahlberg and Till Nikolka in a new SNS report.


Carl Bexelius, Head of the Legal Department, the Swedish Migration Agency

Cristina Bratu is a researcher in economics at Aalto University in Helsinki.

Matz Dahlberg is a professor of economics at Uppsala University and working at the Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU).

Rikard Larsson, member of the Riksdag (Social Democratic Party) and member of the former cross-party committee of inquiry on migration

Maria Malmer Stenergard, member of the Riksdag and the Moderate Party’s migration and social insurance policy spokesperson

Till Nikolka is a researcher in economics at the German youth council Deutsches Jugendinstitut (DJI).

Cecilia Wikström, former member of the Riksdag and member of the European Parliament for the Liberal Party, currently director of the foundations Beijerstiftelsen and Anders Walls Stiftelser