Few Swedes get personally involved in Swedish election campaigns. Most contacts between parties and voters are indirect. Mass media play a vital role, but there are indications that media influence may be ebbing.
The power and influence of mass media and journalists may already have culminated. New channels and media may provide a power base for other groups. Swedish election campaigns face major changes as regards the power relations between media, parties and the citizens. Media and elections in Sweden is the subject of the 2006 report from the SNS Democratic Audit.
Members of the Audit team are Monika Djerf-Pierre (Göteborg University), Sören Holmberg (Göteborg University), Jesper Strömbäck (Mid Sweden University at Sundsvall), Lennart Weibull (Göteborg University) and Olof Petersson (SNS, Center for Business and Policy Studies).
The Swedish edition of the book (Mediernas valmakt) was published in June 2006 by SNS Förlag, Stockholm.