SNS provides a steady flow of independent research and analysis. The research takes a solution-focused approach to important policy issues. The research process includes interaction between academics, policy makers and business through reference groups assigned to the research projects.
SNS has no resident research fellows, but mobilizes the best academic expertise from universities and policy institutes in both Sweden and around the world. Project management and outreach capabilities are provided by SNS research directors. SNS strives to maintain an extensive international network. Over the years SNS has collaborated with leading international policy think tanks such as the Brookings Institution, NBER and CEPR.
In planning our research programme we strive to identify knowledge gaps in different policy areas. The planning process is based on a dialogue with SNS corporate members, policy makers and researchers. This interaction between those with responsibility for policy making and those likely to be affected by the outcome of such policies, is a defining characteristic of SNS.
The SNS research programme is focused on three broad research areas: growth, social policy and business climate. We currently have two project formats:
Interaction between researchers, policymakers and business is a distinguishing feature of the SNS research process. Each research project has a dedicated reference group of stakeholders and experts that helps identify relevant issues and policy challenges. Analysis and recommendations are provided by academic researchers and are based on scientific theory and empirical evidence. Through the course of the project, results and conclusions are discussed with the reference group. This process ensures that the knowledge generated through the SNS research process is effectively delivered to the strategic constituencies so that it can be applied to the policy making process.
SNS is a unique platform for outreach on economic and social policy research. The reports are presented and discussed at roundtables, seminars and conferences with participants from SNS corporate members from business and public administration as well as politicians and opinion leaders. The reports are also communicated through media relations work including press releases, interviews and op-eds. We use digital and social media to disseminate information about the research reports and stimulate debate.
The quality, integrity and objectivity of SNS research are among our principal assets. All research report authors sign a Statement of Research Ethics.
The SNS Scientific Council advises SNS management and staff, as well as the Board, on research. It also evaluates the quality and independence of SNS research.
Johannes Lindvall (chairperson), Professor, University of Gothenburg/Department of Government
Lena Hensvik, Professor, Uppsala University/Department of Economics
Martin Hällsten, Professor, Stockholm University/Department of Sociology
Robert Lundmark, Professor, Luleå University of Technology/Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences
Therese Nilsson, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Lund University
Sten Nyberg, Professor of Economics. Dept of Economics, Stockholm University
Maria Pettersson, Professor of Law, Luleå University of Technology
Mikael Witterblad
+46 8-507 025 69