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Amazon Sweden
Brummer & Partners
Brunswick group
Chalmers University of Technology
Einar Mattsson
Fastighetsägarna Sverige
Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO)
IKEM – Innovations- och kemiindustrierna i Sverige
Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU)
Kommunal, the Swedish Municipal Worker’s Union
LRF – The Federation of Swedish Farmers
MKB Fastighets AB
Novo Nordisk Scandinavia
Procuritas Capital Investors VI Holding
Region Halland
SBU – Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services
Sehlhall Fastigheter
Sparbankernas Riksförbund
Sparbanken Skåne
Stiftelsen för strategisk forskning
Stiftelsen Länsförsäkringsgruppens Forsknings- och Utvecklingsfond
Swedenenergy – Energiföretagen Sverige
Swedish Agency for Defence Analysis
Swedish Agency for Government Employers
Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society
Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR)
Swedish Council for Higher Education
Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL)
Swedish Gender Equality Agency
Swedish Inspectorate of Auditors (SIA)
Swedish Intellectual Property Office
Swedish Medical Products Agency
Swedish National Audit Office (NAO)
Swedish National Mediation Office
Swedish Public Employment Service
Sveriges Företagshälsor
The Association of Swedish Engineering Industries
The National Agency for Public Procurement
The National Board of Trade Sweden
The National Institute of Economic Research (NIER)
The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth
The Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis
The Swedish Agency for Health and Care Services Analysis
The Swedish Agency for Public Management
The Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers
The Swedish Association of Health Professionals
The Swedish Association of Industrial Employers
The Swedish Bankers’ Association
The Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations (SACO)
The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees (TCO)
The Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises
The Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate
The Swedish Federation of Business Owners
The Swedish Federation of Green Employers
The Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry
The Swedish Installation Federation
The Swedish Institute for Standards
The Swedish Investment Fund Association
The Swedish National Agency for Education
The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention
The Swedish Prison and Probation Service
The Swedish Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (SVCA)
The Swedish Social Insurance Inspectorate
The Swedish Trade Union Confederation
The Swedish Transport Administration
The Swedish Unemployment Insurance Inspectorate