In the autumn of 2012, SNS started a forum for a research-based dialogue on corporate governance and ownership questions.
Corporate governance is high on the political agenda, for example at the EU-level where there are suggestions for changes in the regulations and new recommendations. SNS would like to contribute to Swedish politicians and decision-makers having relevant decision data for how the EU initiatives are best to be met.
The aim of the programme is to introduce various, mainly international, perspectives in the Swedish debate on ownership questions. Corporate governance is a swiftly growing research area which is ultimately about how we ensure that owners, boards of directors and firm managements have the appropriate driving forces for value creation and risk taking. This, in turn, is of great importance for the long-term development power and stability of the economy. A network of leading agents from the Swedish industry is connected to the programme.
The programme consists of three main parts:
30/9 2015: Bolagsstyrning och entreprenörskap
6/3 2015: Den framtida redovisningstillsynen
18/2 2015: Nordisk bolagsstyrning i ett internationellt perspektiv
3/2 2015: Börsen, staten eller riskkapital – hur påverkas styrelsearbetet?
20/1 2015: Stiftelser som företagsägare – vad säger forskningen?
1/12 2014: Presentation av boken The Nordic Corporate Governance Model
2/6 2014: Ansvarsfulla investeringar – möjligheter och utmaningar
5/2 2014: Rundabordssamtal om statens roll som ägare
22/1 2014: Vilka blir konsekvenserna av Prosolviadomen?
28/8 2013: Reglering av bankernas bolagsstyrning
22/5 2013: EU-harmonisering av regler för bolagsstyrning – till vilket pris?
18/4 2013: I spåren av finanskrisen, hur kan förtroendet för kapitalismen återupprättas?
20/3 2013: Vad säger forskningen om könsbalans i bolagsstyrelserna?
7/11 2012: Vad kan noterade bolag lära av riskkapitalister?
18/9 2012: Aktiemarknaderna behöver långsiktiga investerare
The following agents are part of the programme network: AB Segulah, Alecta, Altor Equity Partners, Bonnier, Bure Equity, Cevian Capital, EQT, FAR, Fjärde AP-fonden, Folksam, Första AP-fonden, IF Metall (not sponsor), Industrivärden, Investor, KPMG, Litorina, Länsförsäkringar, NASDAQ OMX, Ratos, Roschier, Sjunde AP-fonden and Tredje AP-fonden. The programme is funded by contributions from the network.
PERNILLA KLEIN, Deputy CEO, Communications Manager, +46(0)8-507 025 69,
ILINCA BENSON, Director of Research, +46(0)8-507 025 59,