Do digital tools contribute to better school results?

Seminar 2017.10.16


Should we have digital tools in the class rooms? What is required for these to actually improve the teaching? And how do we investigate what really works? The researcher Carla Haelermans presents a new SNS report on the effects of new technology in education.


Per-Arne Andersson, Head of Education and Labour Market, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR)
Anders Björklund, Professor of Economics, The Swedish Institute for Social Research at Stockholm University (SOFI)
Kalle Enström, Principal, Årstaskolan
Peter Fredriksson, Director General, The Swedish National Agency for Education
Carla Haelermans, Researcher in Economics, Top Institute for Evidence Based Education Research (TIER), Maastricht University
Karin Hermansson, Responsible for R&D, iFous
Jannie Jeppesson, Managing Director, Swedish Edtech
Helena Kvarnsell, Teacher in Mathematics, Municipality of Nacka
Maria Rönn, 1:e Deputy Chairman, The Swedish Teachers’ Union

The conference is moderated by Mikael Witterblad, Head of Research Programme, SNS.