Evaluation and Implementation of New Drugs – Including Examples from the Area of Cancer

Bengt Jönsson Nils Wilking

The report by Bengt Jönsson, Professor of Economics, and Nils Wilking, Associate Professor (Docent) of Medicine, contains an analysis of regional differences in the introduction of new drugs against cancer. There has been an increase in these differences in the last few years. However, corresponding differences cannot be found in the treatment results.

vardering_och_implementering_av_nya_lakemedel_1.pdf 1.3 MB PDF

The authors are opposed to the idea that the introduction of new drugs should be centrally controlled by the state or by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. Nor do they consider that the price of drugs should be determined at the national level. It is the county councils that are responsible for the budget and have the knowledge about the benefits of different drugs. The researchers suggest the following model for the pricing of drugs:

The government authority The Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency conducts an analysis of the cost efficiency of a certain drug, but does not take any formal decision on the price.
The cost price for the county councils is determined through negotiations with the pharmaceutical companies where the price becomes dependent on the expected benefits for patients and the quantity procured.
BENGT JÖNSSON, Professor, Stockholm School of Economics

NILS WILKING Associate Professor (Docent), Karolinska Institutet, and Clinic Superintendent at the oncology clinic in Skåne