Many homes for the elderly in Sweden are good at using reliable management practices. But the variation between individual homes for the elderly is large, which indicates that there is scope for improvement in many places. These are some of the results in a study based on interviews with 500 unit managers at Swedish homes for the elderly.
The research report Management in Elderly Care presents a survey based on interviews with close to 500 unit managers in Swedish homes for the elderly. The study uses an research method that has been used in studies of 10 000 firms and other organizations in 20 countries and a number of different industries, from the manufacturing industry to medical care. In these studies, the level of a management quality has shown a positive correlation with the productivity and profitability of the firms and, in those studies that deal with medical care, the quality of the care.
The study indicates that Swedish homes for the elderly are generally well managed. On a five-point scale, the average is 3.5 per cent, which is higher than the average for Swedish firms in similar studies. The level 3.5 indicates that reliable management practices are in place, but s not always fully applied.
The authors of the report
JANNIS ANGELIS, Associate Professor of Industrial Economics, Royal Institute of Technology and Research Institute for Industrial Economics.
HENRIK JORDAHL, Associate Professor of Economics, Research Institute for Industrial Economics.
JANNIS ANGELIS, or +46-70–679 70 30.
HENRIK JORDAHL, or +46-70–938 38 58.