Policy ideas for Swedish schools

Jan-Eric Gustafsson Sverker Sörlin Jonas Vlachos

In the research report Policy ideas for Swedish schools, professors from three disciplines – economics, history and pedagogy – give their picture of the trend in Swedish schools and analyse its causes. The report is concluded by the authors pointing out a possible reform agenda for Swedish schools.

Policyidéer för svensk skola 1.2 MB PDF

The authors observe questions about quality and results, the teacher’s position and education, instruction quality, equality, resources and grades and what have been the effects of the large reforms in the 1990’s.

The report is the last of five research reports that have been produced at the request of the research programme SNS Educational Commission. The research programme has had an interdisciplinary approach and has involved a total of fourteen researchers. The other reports have, among other things, dealt with the role of the rector, the grading system, how schools are evaluated and what Swedish universities can learn from US top universities.