Is Swedish democracy different form the rest of Europe? Are there distinguishing features worth preserving or would Sweden gain by adapting her political system to the conditions obtaining in other European countries? In Democracy the Swedish Way, the SNS Democratic Audit continues its examination of the political system. This report looks at Sweden from a European perspective.
Is Sweden in need of constitutional reform? How does constitutional government work in Sweden? Has Sweden got a European public sphere? How successful has the reform which introduced voting for individual candidates really been? These are some of the key issues considered in the report.
The SNS Democratic Audit is made up of four academics who are very familiar with political life in Sweden: the professors Klaus von Beyme (Heidellberg), Lauri Karvonen (Åbo), Birgitta Nedelmann (Mainz) and Eivind Smith (Oslo). The report has been edited by Professor Olof Petersson, Research Director at SNS.