Interest in sustainable investing continues to grow, and the pressure is on from end-clients and regulators for investment organizations to move toward a sustainable investing model.
Welcome to a webinar with Georg Kell who will talk on the future of sustainable investing in the context of decarbonization, digitalization and a changing geopolitical environment. He will share his thinking on the next stage of development, as well as on innovation in investment thinking and practice.
Erik Ljungberg, Head of Group Brand, Communication and Sustainability, Swedbank and Gustav Martinsson, Associate Professor in Financial Economics, KTH will also participate in the webinar.
Georg Kell is the founding director of the UN Global Compact and served as its director from 2000 to 2015. He oversaw the launch and buildup of a number of global initiatives, including the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the Principles on Responsible Management Education (PRME). Today, Georg Kell is the chair of the board of Arabesque, a tech company that uses AI and big data to assess sustainability performance for investment analysis and decision making. He is also the co-chair of the DWS ESG Advisory Board and spokesperson of the VW Sustainability Council.
The webinar will be led by Mia Horn af Rantzien, CEO at SNS.