Online Tylösand Summit 2020. Session #2: Understanding the Impact and Cost of Climate Change

The overarching theme of the Online Tylösand Summit 2020 is Climate Change. This session focuses on the impact and cost of climate change and what policy conclusions that can be drawn based on this knowledge.



Michael Greenstone. Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago and Director of the Becker Friedman Institute and the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago. Greenstone previously served as the Chief Economist for President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, where he co-led the development of the United States Government’s social cost of carbon. He is also a Co-Director of the Climate Impact Lab, producing empirically grounded estimates of the local and global impact of climate change.


John Hassler. Professor of Economics at the Institute for International Economic Studies at Stockholm University. Hassler serves as a Member of The Committee for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel and as a Board Member of Stockholm Resilience Centre. He was previously the Chair of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council, as well as the Chair and Co-author of the SNS Economic Policy Council Report 2020 “Swedish Policy for Global Climate”.

Lena Hök. Senior Vice President Sustainability at Skanska Group. Hök previously served as Head of Sustainability at Skandia Norden. She is the Chair of the Sustainability Committee at ICC Sweden and serves on the board of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) as well as on the board of BoKlok.

Moderator: Mia Horn af Rantzien, CEO, SNS.