Roundtable discussion on Agricultural aspects of TTIP

Tis 23 september 2014
Tid och plats

Tisdag 23 september 2014, 15:00–16:30
SNS, Jakobsbergsgatan 18, Stockholm

The U.S. Embassy in Stockholm together with SNS, the Centre for Business and Policy Studies, have the pleasure of inviting you to a Roundtable discussion on Agricultural aspects of TTIP – the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the EU and the U.S.

Welcome to a roundtable discussion with MARY ELLEN SMITH, U.S. Agricultural Counselor for the Nordic Region, based in The Hague, Netherlands. Before that she was a trade negotiator at USTR; focusing on agricultural trade policy for Europe and Asia. Before arriving in The Hague she also served as the Senior Agricultural Attaché in Moscow, Russia.

We are inviting a relatively small group of stakeholders and commentators, aiming for a working-level discussion about the issues at stake.

For questions, please contact

ANNIKA HENNINGSSON,, +46 8 783 53 94
STEFAN SANDSTRÖM,, +46 8 507 025 64

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